How much would it cost for a Honda Civic Hatchback and B20 engine swap? - b20 in powerstroke
How much does it cost and it is worth buying to 1995 Honda Civic hatchback, and change the engine for a B20? It would also be a good alternative to buy a Acura Legend? Is it fast?
B20 engine from $ 600 to $ 3200, depending on what you can, for example, is called a B20 with a B16a head, Frankenstein, a Demon in the workshop industry shopping on eBay, what can you find such a label more for a car that looks this is ok if you want to support up, but that's a waste of time and with ek vtex B20 or H22 engine start is a way to continue is my opinion.
Worth Absolutely. Avoid the legend. B20Z stock is like $ 900 in a junkyard. EC chassis may not exceed $ 1300-1500, if they in good shape. Sometimes you can find an example, runs almost that price. B20 has two fools. It is a good basis for an N / A VTEC build (that) the future.
B20 have a lot of torque for a Honda engine. But I think it's bishop pair, you will be a plethora of shoes. If you're not Frank-engine (bottom end B20 VTEC head) or put in a turbo B20, do not swap.
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